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Sean Boyd Junk Artist



FD1XS Rocket Bike Web Long_edited.jpg

FD1XS Full Size Rocket Bike

Aviation/automotive concept with full LED light show.

Currently available

Octalien creative steampunk motorbike, upcycled motorbike art
futuristic motorbike art, recycled motorbike sculpture, moto artwork, steampunk moto

Creative Weaponry

Ray Guns are a popular and cost effective way to own something truly unique. Heres a collection of some of my creations. 

Octalien Auckland, assemblage themed lighting, retro futuristic upcycle NZ
Octalien futuristic guns, junk art ray guns, ray gun sales buy online
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Tribal Singer

Product themed concept.

Sold and singing to a family in Auckland, NZ

Octalien tribal singer art, steampunk sewing machine, upclycled singer machine
Octalien junk artist, Sean boyd assemblage singer sculpture
Creative Lighting Web Long_edited.jpg

Themed Lighting

A gallery of lamps I have created.

Steampunk, Retro, weird and wonderful is all here for you to scroll through.

Octalien assemblage themed lighting, creative lighting artist auckland, steampunk lighting
steampunk lamps, purchase industrial revolution lamps

Recycled object art that inspires and intrigues. Commercial and private commissions, school visits, window displays, exhibitions and more...

Featured Projects

The Future of AI -

- "remains to be seen" - #1 in my AI series robot concepts.

Sold and living in Colorado, USA

Octalien Creative robot, steampunk futuristic robot, AI steampunk robot, upcycled robot artwork
Octalien creative robot creation, recycled materials robot artist
USHER Web Long_edited.jpg


Boutique cinema robot concept.

Currently available

Octalian Creative New Zealand, Sean Boyd junk artist auckland, Usher Robot sculpture
steampunk items, lamps, Assemblage art robots
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