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Lamp Collection
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Lamp Collection
March 2012 - Present
A gallery of lamps I have created. Steampunk, Retro, weird and wonderful is all here for you to scroll through.

Jumbo Jet Lamp
Jumbo Jet is a Steampunk styled female elephant with a jetpack and breathing apparatus (for high altitude cruising of course). She is recently engaged (evident by the rather large rock on her finger!), she also has a handbag and decorated nails. You may notice she is naked! But she does have strategically placed fig leaves to ensure her decorum remains intact :)

Black Billy Lamps
No story straight to bedside lamps.

King Bee Flying
The King Bee Lamp is a tribute to the amazingness of the humble bumblebee. Physics fails to explain how they manage to fly, so I gave him a jetpack to assist in his adventures. He is a humanoid bee which explains his missing limbs! He is mounted on a pole that allows small wobbling movements to give the impression he is hovering over the flowers.

Nuclear Reactor Lamp
Superb lighting, but a bit of an issue with radiation! The open core uranium light source caused extra limbs to grow on any mammal with 40m. I now have an extra arm with a foot on the end, not much use too me really!

Cyclopican Robot Lamp
Cyclopican Robot Lamp has great size presence at 60cm (23.6in) tall and has a flip top mesh head that changes the shadow pattern and also allows access to change the bulb. His legs are posable and his head turns. He has been assembled from a food mixer base, kettle, coffee pot, cupboard hinges, ski bindings and loads more.

Luna Mine Lamp
Designed to assist UFO's to land at Area51 without using their own lights, so as to avoid public knowledge of the landings. However, the lamp itself was continually mistaken for a UFO and the US government was inundated with calls claiming UFO sightings. This is the only example left due to numerous UFO crashes.

Hookah Lamp
Hooker pipes have been decorating homes since the 1500s. This is a Hookah pipe styled lamp is made from brass and copper bits and bobs.

Mystical Treasure Chest Lamp
What is inside?

UfOria Lamp
This piece was inspired by classic saucer style UFOs. This lamp will take any standard bayonet bulb. Assembled from brass lamps, brass drain covers, ceiling fan motor housings, light fittings and more.

Plasma Distillinator Lamp
I had heard that if you distilled plasma it made a refreshing intergalactic drink that was strong and flavorsome. So I set to work and completed the item you see. However, the alcohol content of the plasma was around 7,000% higher than a bottle of tequila and a mere sniff of the distilled plasma caused a severe case of alcohol poising (and the sniffer grew an extra limb instantly!). So I deemed it too dangerous to continue. Even after multiple tests and changers were made I could not seem to get it right. Anyway, my neighbor enjoyed the testing sessions and is coming to grips with having 6 arms and four legs!

Steaming Moonshine Steampunk lamp
I was time traveling recently (I went to 1702, so it was actually not that recent!). I bumped into a guy who said his name was Isaac Newton. He was rotten drunk and asked me to make a 'moonshine' lamp. So I did and it made some pretty strong liquor. Unfortunately Mr Newton was actually referring to a lamp with a shine like the moon! Oh well...

Liquidian Fractulator lamp
The Liquidian Fractulator was created to fractulate Noridium gas into liquid Bolosferum to feed planet Lyropia's stock of four legged Lamblings. Lamblings produce Noridium gas when they drink Bolosferum. Unfortuantely the Liquidian Fractulator is powered by Lambling stomachs and required six stomachs to produce enough Bolosferum to feed one Lambling. Within three weeks the Lamblings were extinct! So I had to escape, but I took the Liquidium Fractulator with me and now this glorious piece of chrome awesomeness is merely a fantastic night light.

Singer Steam Lamp
This singer sewing machine Steampunk lamp was purchased by a Stevie Nicks tribute show for onstage Steampunk themed presence.

Alien Flower Lamp
I don't actually like it.

Fascon Fighter Pilot Lamp
This is all that is left of the Fascon Fighter Pilot droid shot down over Tribleria. His helmet and the rest of his body were never recovered. His exposed processor (brain) still lights up, but there is no one home.

Steaming Moonshine II - Commissioned Lamp
The brief was - "I wanted the 'Steaming Moonshine' lamp, can you make another one with the same feel too it"...

Cyborg Stellanating Receivanator Steampunk Lamp
This device was created for the Cyborgions to intercept communications between the war hungry D'nonono Tribe and their supporters, the Umyeahyeahs. To date the two tribes have never invaded anywhere due to the fact they can't agree on anything, but the Cyborgions wanted to ensure they knew what was being discussed. This device intercepted every communication, but unfortunately it didn't translate the captured information. But hey, it makes a really nice lamp!

Molecule Transporter Dark
The Molecule Transporter is basically a teleportation device that can make small objects disappear. The problem is I have no idea where the molecules go? They may just be burned up in the light transmission process? But it makes a pretty cool lamp!

The Gaslolampicus was created as an experiment to see the cost benefits of converting natural gas (from humans) into electricity by feeding it through an Actuated Rectumator Sealing Electrode (ARSE for short). Basically the bottom fell out of the project when the price of baked beans sky rocketed!

Chubble Space Shot

Apollo 13 Lamp
The Apollo mission was plagued with mishaps and needed repair constantly throughout the mission. I have to say, this lamp was pretty much the same!

Jumbo Jet Lamp Rear

Jumbo Jet Accessories

Gastron Lamp

Mech Lamp

Lightspeed Lamp
I created this lamp to settle much debate in the scientific world around whether the light emitted from the bulb travels twice the speed of light if the lamp is moving at light speed, or is the light just sitting inside the bulb because the lamp is moving at light speed? I can’t tell you because it goes so fast I can’t really tell!

King Bee Lamp Full

King Bee Lamp Flying
The King Bee Lamp is a tribute to the amazingness of the humble bumblebee. Physics fails to explain how they manage to fly, so I gave him a jetpack to assist in his adventures. He is a humanoid bee which explains his missing limbs! He is mounted on a pole that allows small wobbling movements to give the impression he is hovering over the flowers.

King Bee Lamp
The King Bee Lamp is a tribute to the amazingness of the humble bumblebee. Physics fails to explain how they manage to fly, so I gave him a jetpack to assist in his adventures. He is a humanoid bee which explains his missing limbs! He is mounted on a pole that allows small wobbling movements to give the impression he is hovering over the flowers.

Singer Steam Lamp

Realestate Street
Inspired by Mr Monopoly (Rich Uncle Pennybags) from the board game Monopoly. The lamp is turned on by pulling the chain hanging from his monocle glass to his top pocket. He has been assembled using recycled items collected from dump sites and recycling depots.

Neutron Lamp
The Neutron Lamp captures the magic of the microscopic world of atoms and chemical makeup as well as the larger connections to solar systems and galaxies with a central star. No matter how close you get to our microscopic world or how far away you get into space there are great similarities!

Mushroom Medley Black Background Blue

Molecule Transporter Lamp
The Molecule Transporter is basically a teleportation device that can make small objects disappear. The problem is I have no idea where the molecules go? They may just be burned up in the light transmission process? But it makes a pretty cool lamp!

Sky Tower Lamp

Speedum Crustacious

Slazer Beam Lamp
Inspired by early Bond villain lasers like Goldfinger's crutch cutter!

Zeplina Power Module Lamp
The Zeplina Power Module was created to power the worlds largest zeppelin, this piece was destined for stardom as an epic event in history. However, its extreme weight and the fact it was mounted at the front of the zeppelin meant that the nose couldn't get of the ground, even with the excessive amount of power it produced. The zeppelin cruised along, bum in the air, nose to the ground like a dog sniffing out the trail of dragged sausages. The zeppelin company refused to pay for the item, so I turned it into a lamp and this (almost) piece of history is for sale!

Time Gate2

Thingly Nodoo

Tellus Jet Engine

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